
User Experience Design Custom apps and software

User Experience Design Custom apps and software

Editorial Content Summary

User Experience Design: The Advantage for Relationships

User Experience, often abbreviated as UX, refers to designing the experience that a customer will have in their interactions with a brand, whether through using its services or products. For many companies, identifying the customer’s experience is a pivotal element in developing their strategy, while for others, it is a significant challenge to overcome.

The common mistake is to focus on the brand or the product itself and completely overlook the customer. The key point lies here: shifting the perspective to the people, regardless of whether they are end customers or businesses. This first step will enable the brand to focus on customer differentiation rather than creating differentiated products.

Many elements can make up the complex puzzle of User Experience, but two are essential: Personas and Customer Journey.

UX: Personas

The first element in a strategic approach to User Experience is to design our customer through the architecture of so-called Personas: customer profiles that represent defined needs and behaviors. Collecting existing information within the company, conducting on-field research, and interviewing sales personnel are the operational elements for gathering the data needed to build these profiles. The immediate advantage of designing personas is the instant alignment among management on who their potential customers are and what their main needs are.

UX: Customer Journey

After envisioning the customer, the second step is to design their customer journey: the way through which the customer interacts with the brand, starting from the moment they become aware of it and ending with post-sales service, highlighting for each phase the type of experience (positive or negative) the customer may have. As with personas, there are various ways to graphically represent the customer journey. The result is a visual map that represents the relationship path the personas take, but more importantly, it visualizes the gaps between what the brand can currently offer (customer service, available touch points, relationship fluidity, etc.) and what the customer expects. This, in turn, highlights the activities that need to be developed, improved, and managed at a particular moment in the brand-customer relationship.

UX: Scenario

With personas and their customer journeys, it is possible to imagine a defined scenario from both the customer’s and the brand’s perspectives. The former allows for a vertical analysis of how the prospect interacts with our product/service, classifying the aspects the customer considers most important; the latter shows how interactions can provide added value in terms of knowledge, both from a knowledge standpoint and usability.

By placing the customer at the center, it becomes clear how a user experience design approach is highly advantageous for brands competing in a dynamic economy.

UX and Digital Transformation

User Experience is an integral part of the digital transformation process. In short: the mechanism is the message. Identifying business processes, the impact of technology aimed at improving and making them more efficient, reflects on the entire functioning of the company structure, primarily Marketing and Sales. Marketing today is not just communication: it involves data, ratios, and new indicators. Sales involve the accuracy of customer data, precision of information, inventory status, and near real-time delivery. These are the competitive factors today.

For more information on how we can assist your company in the digital transformation process.

Corporate Digitalization

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